FOUNDATION Course Outline

FOUNDATION Course Equipment List

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Week 2 is uploaded

Mary, Week 2 is uploaded. When you start to lose your marbles, just click on this scene and LOL at yourself.


-:) Roxanne

Sunday, May 22, 2022

5-22-22, Week 1 LL Exam

We took Molly to our friends’ house this afternoon. There were so many new sights, sounds and smells. Molly loved it and it was the perfect place to practice the LL with distractions. There was a cat sitting in their screened in porch, cows in the field behind them, chickens in their coop and the wind blowing stuff around. After a few times around the house, I asked my friend Chonnie, to help out with our Week 1 exam. This is how it went.

I love this method of training. Molly is becoming a joy to walk! We’ve come a long way and we’re anxious to learn more!

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Week 1 Training Session-Working on the Longe line Against Distractions

Yesterday was our Week 1 training session. We started with Roxanne explaining the purpose of distractions and how important it is for Molly to make the right choice. If she chooses incorrectly, she gets a correction! It’s a lot of info to process and then put into action but it is so very helpful to get a clear picture of what is going on in the training. 

Molly and I have been practicing on the Longe line all week but as you can see in our first go at it, it’s still a bit of a challenge!

Then Jessi took a turn working Molly. Jessi is great at handling her. It helped me to see how it’s done correctly.

Then it was my turn again. It went a little better. I think we’re both catching on! Molly was one tired little dog by the time we finished. 

Morning Mary, Mike and Miss Molly

Here is the HOMEWORK Week 1: Dog learns Attention is uploaded. Please note I uploaded the entire week of homework with Days 5/6 being on the top and Days 1/2 being on the bottom of the list.  


* It is important you maintain DOING 

the entire TRAINING PROTOCAL, 1,2, & 3, 





1) Please note, again, here is the necessary information for doing training sessions listed in 

Link to Week 1 again and TRAINING PROTOCAL.  

2) Please note, again, here is the necessary Link to Week 1, again, Quiet Time instructions

3)  Please note, again, here is the necessary Link to LL Cool Down (done after EVERY training session)

I also uploaded some of Hannah's Week 1 training videos and photos. If you like seeing her training progress journey, let me know and I will add it for each week so you can learn as you watch.

See you shortly,


Thursday, May 12, 2022

5-12-2022 The Longe Line intro

Molly’s first lesson was on Sunday. We headed out on Monday to practice. 

 The cool down 😊

We set out for a road trip to Oregon Tuesday morning. Our hotel in Boise had a green belt in the back. Though it was a little chilly, it was a nice area to work.

We also practiced at a beautiful park in McMinnville, Oregon.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

5-8-2022 ILL Lesson # 1

 Mary and Mike,

Biggest thing I can share with you for YOUR understanding and success is to read ALL of the HOMEWORK: Inverted Longe Line on the left side of the Home Page. Mike should do so also so he knows what you should be doing.

Also, take the time to read the FC Articles written by Deb Kidwell.

The first article Understanding the 4 Canine Drives is phenomenal. The second article Why ILL and LL work so well is great. Then, there is the newly uploaded FC Glossary of Terms, ILL and Week 1 which will help you both learn the vocabulary.

Here is the video from today I took.

And some fun photos.

And the result of Molly learning to take responsibility for her position in relationship to Mary?

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Our Busy Day!


Molly, Mike and I are so excited to start our foundation training course tomorrow. Roxanne gave us a mission to accomplish so we set off this afternoon to do some exploring. Molly is always up for an adventure so off we went.

Our first stop was to find a large, grassy area at least 100’ in all directions for Week 1 Longe Line training. I like this field because it’s fenced in. 

Next stop was to scope out an outside area on hard a hard surface for weeks 2-10. This basketball court should work. We also have tennis courts near our house we may use.

We also needed to find some elevated surfaces to heel Molly. Here’s a few we found.

Then we did some quiet time at La Gringa before we headed home.

Home at last! Molly has her “place” in the kitchen so she doesn’t get underfoot or bug us while we’re eating at the table!

She actually likes it under there 😊

She gets her daily workout going up and down our stairs with me.

And her favorite place…
The back yard!

Friday, May 6, 2022

HOMEWORK: Before we Begin


HOMEWORK: Before you begin

Please submit, in a New Post, 5 pictures of you/the dog you are working in the following environments:

1) In the home environment where your dog will be living
2) An outside training area, grass is best, that is at least approximately 100' x 100' in all directions. You will need this area for your Week 1 Longe Line training sessions.
3) A picture of you and your dog
4) A picture of another outside area,  in the shade and on a hard surface like asphalt or concrete, where you can work your dog. A deserted parking lot, with lines on the ground and curbs, are outstanding training areas.  You will need this area for Weeks 2-10.
5) A picture (or more) elevated surfaces where you can heel a dog on that surface. For example, raised concrete beds around playgrounds or tennis courts or as planters work extremely well. You will need an area like this for Week 4 if you don't have a training table to use for the Down placements.  It will save your back as you won't have to bend.

Please submit a video or two of where you plan to work your dog outside.
It is important you know how to create New Posts and upload video's and pictures prior the beginning this course. 

ALL your weekly EXAMS (some weeks have 2 EXAMS) are done via submitted videos.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and video before you begin Week 1 Lesson 1


Welcome Mary, Mike and Molly!

Link to HOMEWORK: Before you Begin