Increasing Distance to 15 ft.
Start increasing time and distance by using your Longe Line.
- 8 ft. for 80 seconds, 10 ft. for 100 seconds, and so on.
- By the end of the week, your dog should be holding a 15 ft. Sit/Stay in high level distractions for about 3 minutes. Designed to strengthen the dog's ability to maintain it's Sit/Stay with you farther away.
Approach by a Stranger Part A
This exercise teaches your dog to accept a person approaching and hold its Sit/Stay.
- Put your dog on a Sit/Stay.
- Step away from your dog laterally (beside the dog) about 4 ft.
- Have a familiar person approach your dog diagonally, stand beside your dog, then move away diagonally.
- IMPIMPORTANT! The person SHOULD NOT make eye contact with the dog!
- IMPORTANT! The person should move briskly
Approach by a Stranger Part B
- Once the dog can hold its Sit/Stay, add the touch sequence
- Put your dog on a Sit/Stay.
- Step away from your dog laterally (beside the dog) about 4 ft.
- Have a familiar person approach your dog diagonally, palm towards the dog about 4” away from the dog's nose, touch the top of the dog's head, then move away diagonally.
- IMPORTANT! The person SHOULD NOT make eye contact with the dog!
- IMPORTANT! The person should move briskly
This exercise teaches your dog to accept a person approaching & being touched while it maintains its Sit/Stay.
- Put your dog on a Sit/Stay.
- Step away from your dog laterally (beside the dog) about 4 ft.
- Have a familiar person approach your dog diagonally, lightly touch the top of the dog’s head, shoulders, & hips, then move away diagonally.
- IMPORTANT! The person SHOULD NOT make eye contact with the dog!
This exercise teaches your dog to hold its position even with unknown and new people.
- Once your dog holds its position with the above sequencing, add new people the dog hasn't met before and follow the stand beside sequence.
- You may need to have them approach and initially be 5 ft. away from the dog, then 4 ft., then 3ft., etc.
- Once the dog can do this with new people, then add the touching sequence.
REMEMBER! A Stay = A Stay … so no moving at all by the dog.
And pay attention - If the dog’s head drops below its shoulders, they’re going to break.
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